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Welcome to Sheetloom

Decision Intelligence for Smart Businesses

Get Started

Sheetloom gets company figures into Excel spreadsheets automatically, all without cut & paste. These official facts can come from any CSV, database, api or website.

Benefits of using Sheetloom

With Sheetloom your organisation can:


Automated decision models in 3 easy steps

Create Excel Template

Use standard Excel to create a Sheetloom Template.

Upload Excel Template

Upload the Template file to the Sheetloom server.


Key Features

Avoid costly and embarassing public errors caused by flawed decision models.
Scale out live spreadsheets across the enterprise, all containing one version of the truth.
Users see only the publised edition of the spreadsheet that is relevant to them. One Template reused many times to serve each User.
Deliver decision intelligence to every User by distributing accurate, consistent and relevant spreadsheet models across the enterprise.

Sheetloom In 90 Seconds

To learn more about Sheetloom and see first hand what it can do for your business, please watch our introductory video!