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CSV Guide

Use the CSV feature if your source data is in a CSV file.

When you upload a CSV, Sheetloom stores it in your CSV folder and converts it to a database table. Data Stitches can then be created in the same way as any other SQL Stitch.

Sheetloom automatically creates a Pattern and Stitch for you during the file upload process. The Stitch query gets all the data from the CSV.

Uploading a CSV

To begin, navigate to CSVs and click Upload CSV. Choose file, then name the Pattern and Stitch Sheetloom auto-creates. These default to the name of the CSV file you are uploading.

Upload CSV

If you accept the defaults, it makes sense to have already provided a meaningful name for the file, so the Pattern Name and Stitch Name have context.


Sheetloom will save the CSV file with the Pattern name provided during upload, even if this is different from the name of the original CSV file.

If you want to copy and paste the Pattern.Stitch reference to your Excel template straight away, click Copy Reference.

Finally, select the appropriate Delimiter and Text Qualifier according to your file settings and choose Upload.

An “analysis in progress” message will appear. It may take a minute or two for Sheetloom to analyse the data and create a table in your database. When this is finalised an analysis complete notification is displayed.

The Connection name for the database table created from the source CSV files is "Athena".


If you are uploading a new CSV file to update an existing file, make sure that the Pattern and Stitch names you choose in the upload dialogue box match exactly those that already exist.