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Parameters allow your SQL queries to be parameterised so that users can pass their own values in at run time. These are passed into WHERE clauses in your SQL statement before being passed to the database.

Create a Parameter

To create a parameter, navigate to Parameters on the side bar and click on Create.

Create Parameter

Fill in the fields to create your parameter.

NameThe name of the parameter field in the database.
TypeThe data type of the field. Can be one of string, integer, numeric or date.
DescriptionThis description will appear to users when they call a sheet containing this parameter. Can be useful for giving more detailed information on what a parameter is for.
RequiredBoolean true or false. If true Sheetloom will not run unless supplied with a value for this parameter
Default ValueA default value. Useful for non-required parameters that the user can leave blank to default to this value.

When finished, click Add to create the parameter.