Tab Replacement
Tabs are another way which Sheetloom can locate where to place data.
If a worksheet tab name matches the pattern.stitch
naming convention, the existing data is replaced with the new result set. This is useful when bringing in or updating one large chunk of data that is referenced multiple times throughout the rest of a workbook.
Excel tab containing pattern.stitch
Excel template before tab replacement, showing a few lines of data
Excel file after Sheetloom has injected the new data from the query in the ccargo_raw-ccargo_raw
Sheetloom does not return the header row during tab replacement, and injects data from row 2 on leaving row 1 untouched. This allows the first row of the template to include the headers, and ensures they show in the generated file.
Tab replacement works slightly differently to named range replacement. Tab replacement will not preserve any formatting in the sheet it replaces, but it is faster to generate than a named range replacement.