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Upload a CSV

Upload a New CSV

The following applies to the first time upload of a CSV file. To update and append existing CSVs see Update CSV and Append CSV

Navigate to CSVs and select Upload CSV. An options dialogue box displays. Confirm the CSV has a header row, select Upload and choose the file.

CSV upload dialogue box

A CSV profiler best guesses the data type for each column. Review and revert any integers to a string as appropriate. The date type field is shown as a string and can be converted to a date format during Stitch query configuration

Click Preview to check the data. The first 100 rows are displayed. Select Close to shut down the preview.

CSV preview

Click Upload from the panel. The CSV uploads, and a queryable database table is created. A notification confirms when the process completes.

A folder icon with the CSV´s name is created and displays in the CSV page.

csv folder view

Data Stitches querying the database table can now be created.

Generate SQL

Sheetloom can auto-generate a select all SQL query for the table created from the CSV upload that can be copied to the query panel during Data Stitch creation.

Navigate to the CSV page and select the folder the CSV is in. Click Generate SQL

generate SQL

A Select all statement for the database table is generated.

generated SQL

Click Copy SQL. The query can be pasted into the Data Stitch configuration panel.

SQL copied to Create Stitch configuration panel