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A Pattern is a collection of Data Stitches. You can think of them like folders - logical ways to keep collections of similar items all in one place. You can create Patterns for groups of similar Stitches, e.g. HR, Sales, Development.


Patterns and Stitches have a 1:Many relationship. A Pattern can contain many Stitches, but a Stitch can only belong to one Pattern at a time.

Create a Pattern

To create a Pattern, open Sheetloom and click on Pattern Manager then click on Patterns from the navbar. The Data Stitch view opens by default. To toggle between the Data Stitch and Pattern views use the buttons above the table on the right. Once the page has loaded select the Create Pattern button. Enter the name of your Pattern, which must be unique.

Create Pattern

Select which group you want to make the Pattern available to by clicking on the drop down arrow then on the group you want. To add another group, click the “+” button and repeat the process.

If you leave the Group Access drop-down in the 'default' state, the Pattern is made available to all users in the “[my-company-name]-users” group.

When you have chosen your groups, select Add to create your Pattern.

For more details on creating groups see Groups.


Remember, Pattern names must be unique.