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To weave the latest sheet, open Sheetloom and click on Templates in the navbar, then navigate to the group to find the template you'd like to run. When you've found it, click on the Weave icon. A notification will appear in the bottom right corner of the screen when weaving starts.

Weaving Start

Sheetloom checks to see if your template contains any parameters, and if not will move straight on to weaving. Once weaving is complete, another notification will appear stating that the new spreadsheet is ready to download. Click on the Download File link in the notification to download it. This new sheet will have the name of the original template appended with the date and time of weaving (in the format sheet_DDMMYYYY_HHmm), so you can keep track of when the sheet was woven.

Weaving Finished

If your template has Parameters [add link to parameters page] a parameters dialogue box will pop up during the initial parameter check.

Weaving Finished

Add the value required then hit weave to continue. In the example shown, the user is required to provide the name of the customer they want to filter on.
If weaving is unsuccessful, a notification message will display giving a brief explanation why it failed.


If you navigate away from the Templates page or close the open notifications weaving will continue and is not affected.

You can also download previously woven sheets from the Spreadsheets page at any time.